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5 reasons to follow us on Linkedin. Celebrating 1,000 followers on our profile!

We are excited to announce that we recently hit the 1,000+ followers on our profile on Linkedin. We would like to send a special THANK YOU :) to everyone who follows us, likes our posts, and shares our content.

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Stay up to date with our news at any time, all you have to do is visit our page and click the “FOLLOW” button. Need convincing? Check out 5 reasons why you should be a part of our community!

5 reason to follow us

1. The latest news about Big Data technologies

Linkedin posts big data news getindata

We love to share content with you relevant to our industry, so you can find on our profile some latest release of new versions of technology, new solutions, our comments to interesting blog posts, or reviews of conference presentations.

2. Technical blog posts written by our big data experts

technical blog post big data getindata

We always publish information about the latest blog which appeared on our website . You can find tutorials, success stories, lessons learned and some event reviews there. All of these are to show you, what kind of interesting projects we have created for our past and current clients.

3. Conference, webinars and meetups

On our profile you can find the latest information about events we’re hosting and meetings we take part in. We are happy to meet with people interested in Big data both, live - we co-organize the Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit and online during the webinars

Getindata job offers

4. Recruitment

Looking for challenging projects in Big Data? We post currently available job positions on our profile. Follow us to stay up to date and don’t miss a chance to join our team.

5. The GetInData team

We share some news about our life in the office or internal initiatives like workshops, lunch & learn meetings or team building events.

GetInData team

Facebook, Twitter, Youtube

GetInData love to share our knowledge and important news in the Big Data world, so Linkedin is not the only place where you can follow us. We are active on Facebook, Twitter and you can also subscribe to our new Youtube channel, where you can find our latest webinar about:

You are welcome to join us on Linkedin or any of these social platforms. We hope you will help us reach 2,000+ followers on Linkedin soon!

Start following us now! ;)

big data
13 August 2020

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