12 min read

GetInData in 2021 - let’s celebrate our achievements in the Big Data world!

The year 2021 passed in the blink of an eye and the time has come to summarize our goals at GetinData and define our challenges for the next year. Today, we would like to share our achievements with you in the fields of knowledge sharing and the Big Data community. Here's a quick summary:

  • Throughout 2021, we published a lot of blogs about our solutions, Big Data technologies and Big Data events
  • We shared interesting facts and news from the world of Big Data on our social media channels - follow our profiles and stay up to date!
  • We took part in one of the biggest events in Poland’s IT industry - the Google Cloud Region launch
  • Our Big Data Experts had the pleasure of performing in many Big Data events around the world
  • We took part in GITEX Global - one of the biggest tech events in the field of #bigdata #ai #cloud #cybersecurity and more
  • We started a new project dedicated to our Polish fans - Big Data Club. This  group focuses on Big Data solutions for business. It is primarily intended for people operating in the interface between business and technology.
  • We were recognised for our expertise in Cloud Analytics, Stream Data Analytics, Enterprise BI solutions and remote monitoring using Google Cloud
  •  This year we have exceeded 100+ people being on board and we are not slowing down! (check our job offers)
  • Organizing internal Lunch & Learn sessions, which is already a tradition of ours 
  • Our experts passed a countless number of assessments in the area of ​​Google Cloud, and the number is constantly growing
  • We launched GetInData Labs, whose mission is to research and produce innovative solutions that develop our business and people (soon we will publish more information about this)
  • We contributed to many open-source projects such as Marquez, Flink HTTP Connector, Amundsen, Kedro-kubeflow plugin

Below you can find a list of our publications, webinars and conference talks so…  sit down comfortably and dive into the topics that interest you the most! 

Our Top 5 blog posts


In 2021 we published 39 blog posts in the field of Big Data. You can check out the top 5 most viewed blogs (based on data from the 5th of January) below:

That's not all, of course!  We also published lots  of blog posts about some interesting technology:  

More blog posts correlated to MLOps and our Machine Learning Platform such us:

A lot of blog posts correlated to stream-processing and our Complex Event Processing Platform

We also published a series of blog posts dedicated to businesses such as: 

and last but not least some blog posts about our people and company:

Whitepapers and our first E-book

Together with our Big Data expert Paweł Leszczyński, we prepared the whitepaper “Stream Processing Explained”. There you can read about the characteristics of streaming, challenges and the open-source streaming playground such as Apache Flink, Kafka Connect and Spark Streaming. We encourage you to download it here

Did you have the chance to check out “Apache NiFi: A Complete Guide E-book” created by our specialists: Albert Lewandowski, Paweł Leszczyński and Tomasz Nazarewicz? If not, you definitely should.
What will you find there? You'll learn about NiFi architecture, NiFi flow, the management & operations of NiFi and NiFi Registry and some recommendations for using Apache NiFi. If you are interested in NiFi, check it out!

Our Big Data Experts at the conference


Last year we organized the 7th edition of the Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit, the first time this was done in a fully online version! In our blog, you can read a review of presentations and of course, we encourage you to join us during this year's edition on the 26-28th April 2022

During the first half of the year, we had the pleasure of taking part and performing  in many interesting Big Data Events:

During the second half of the year at the ClubCloud Conference, Data Science Summit and during Flink Forward Global 2021, our team members Maciej Bryński and Rafał Małanij had the pleasure of presenting   Networks! Project - Real-Time Analytics That Control 50% of Mobile Networks in Poland (slides). 

Our Big Data DevOps Expert Albert Lewandowski also performed at:

  • The Big Data Conference Europe, where he talked about best practices for ETL with Apache NiFi and Kubernetes
  • The Open Source Summit + Embedded Linux Conference 2021 where he presented an Open-source Data Platform in the Cloud
  • DataArt IT Nonstop, where he gave a presentation on creating Real-Time Data Streaming Powered by SQL on Kubernetes

Big Data Webinars and Meetups

In 2021 we organized a few webinars:

Our CTO Krzysztof Zarzycki also had the pleasure of hosting a webinar organized by Polish Executives Switzerland and Polish Professionals in Switzerland. During the meeting, we talked about the latest big data trends, how data processing works nowadays and how companies can benefit from data analytics (check slides). 

That’s not all! We also organized a Lighting Talks in a Warsaw Data Tech Talks meeting, where our team talked about: 

  • Data Discovery with Apache Atlas and Amundsen - Improving the Productivity of Users Interacting with Data, hosted by Dominik Choma and Mariusz Górski (ING)
  • Open-source vs Cloud-Managed - Data Engineers Dilemmas in the Cloud, hosted by Marcin Kaceperek
  • Real-time Monitoring that Controls 50% of Mobile Networks in Poland, hosted by Maciej Bryński and Rafał Małanij
  • Kedro, Data Scientist’s Swiss-Army Knife, hosted by Mariusz Strzelecki 

Our experts Dominik Choma and Mariusz Górski (ING) performed at the Amundsen Community meeting about Pandas profiling with Amundsen and OpenLineage. You can watch the clip here. At another meeting of the Amundsen Community, Mariusz Strzelecki talked about Feast + Amundsen Integration. Feel free to watch the video.

Knowledge Sharing and Big Data for Business

In 2021 we made some changes to our website and published two new subpages.

  • Knowledge Base - this is our library of Big Data Knowledge. This page gives you full access to our whitepapers, recordings of conferences and webinars and the most interesting blog posts or contributions that we have made to open-source software.
  • Big Data for Business - if you would like to know more about the process of cooperation with our company, the model that allows us to successfully deliver even complex Big Data projects for our clients or how Big Data can benefit your business, this is the place dedicated for you!


Plans for 2022?

We have a lot of new ideas that we want to bring to life in 2021. We also have plans for lots more knowledge sharing in our profile, so if you are interested in MLOps, Stream-processing, DevOps, DataOps, Cloud, Data Science or Big Data at all, please sign up to the newsletter and follow us on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to our channel on Youtube.

big data
google cloud platform
stream processing
18 January 2022

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