Deploy your own Databricks Feature Store on Azure using Terraform
A tutorial on how to deploy one of the key pieces of the MLOps-enabling modern data platform: the Feature Store on Azure Databricks with Terraform as…
Read moreIn the big data world, more and more companies are discovering the potential in fast data processing using stream technologies. We don't need to even mention how useful Machine Learning is, as it goes without saying.
Usually, not a lot of experts master these two domains. So, integrating your streaming architecture with the accomplishments of your data scientist team may not be so easy.
In this article, I would like to present one of the possible ways to show how this kind of integration is possible. To achieve this, I chose Apache Flink, a streaming engine widely used across the world and MLeap, which is a serialization library for machine learning models for different programming languages. You can find more information about MLeap and how to create a model in Python and run it in Scala in my previous article here.
The idée fixe of this paper is to explain how the ML model trained in Python can be used inside the Flink pipeline and provide information about the Flink library we at GetInData are working on. Check details here.
Why serve ML models inside a streaming engine? Why not just reuse some HTTP service that can provide us with predictions or read (predicted and saved data) from DB?
Here are three arguments:
Of course, storing ML models inside Jobs create other challenges, like:
To answer these questions, we have created the Flink-MLeap library which you can find here.
Imagine you are a Data Scientist (or maybe you actually are) and would like to use the existing Flink infrastructure to plug your trained ML model and make predictions on streamed data. You're a very busy person and don’t want to waste time on learning totally new technology. It's alright, you're not being lazy! It's only natural, no-one can learn all the different technologies in the world.
Let's focus on what you know, and how to use this knowledge. You're a “data guy/girl” so you've probably heard about SQL, or maybe even written thousands of queries in this language. Good! When you were reading about Flink you came across this interesting blog post about building Flink jobs with SQL, like this one here.
Connecting to the Flink cluster using SQL Client and writing queries to make predictions on streams should be so easy and natural, right?
With our library, you can effortlessly serve ML models in a stream environment:
So first we create a stream with features using SQL. In order to do that we use a datagen connector which is a helper connector in Flink, that generates a stream with random values - very useful for the development phase.
// Create table with features
feature2 INT NOT NULL,
feature_timestamp TIMESTAMP(3))
'connector' = 'datagen',
'number-of-rows' = '10',
'fields.feature1.min' = '0.0',
'fields.feature1.max' = '1.0'
Next we make predictions based on those features:
// Execute predictions
Predict(feature1, feature2, feature3) as prediction,
Predictv2(feature1) as prediction2
FROM Features
As you can see, here we are using the SQL user defined function Predict and Predictv2 on our features set. They can take a different number of arguments and types. The names of functions and models they use can be simply defined in the configuration.
Below you can find more technical aspects of the library, how we built it and examples of how to use and configure it.
We focused more on Flink SQL API and prepared more utils for this API, so someone who's not too familiar with Flink or feels more comfortable using SQL rather than Java/Scala can effortlessly use the ML model in Flink jobs.
To this end, we prepared MLeapUDFRegistry
. The main purpose of this registry is to register UDFs (Flink user defined functions) that can be later used in SQL queries. To add your UDFs, you can define them inside application.conf like this:
mleap {
udfRegistry = [
udfName = "Predict"
bundlePath = "/mleap-example-1"
bundleSource = "file"
udfName = "Predictv2"
bundlePath = "/mleap-example-2"
bundleSource = "file"
And run MLeapUDFRegistry.registerFromConfig(config, tableEnv) before running your queries like we did in these example applications: FlinkSqlWithMLeap
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val tableEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)
// Register UDFs basing on config
val config = ConfigFactory.load()
MLeapUDFRegistry.registerFromConfig(config, tableEnv)
Another thing which can be quite problematic is writing specific UDFs for each ML Model. This is of course the easiest, but also most time-consuming approach. That's why we defined a very generic MLeapUDF
so it can be easily reused for any MLeap bundle.
Thanks to MLeapUDFRegistry
and MLeapUDF
, using ML models with SQL goes very smoothly. Just look at the FlinkSqlWithMLeap
applications. Anybody who knows SQL and has a ML model can easily use them with Flink.
Bon appetit!
Let's have a quick look at the code. We wrote this project in Scala. It contains two modules:
In the library module we covered two Flink APIs: Streaming and SQL so they can be reused in any job.
In order to load a model we need to create one first. I will reuse the models presented in the previous article.
Random forest regressors take one float as input and give one float as output.
To load the models into the Flink jobs, we created BundleLoaders
. One is FileBundleLoader
which loads bundles from local files. The other is GCSBundleLoader
, which can fetch models from Google Cloud Storage Bucket and use them in Flink jobs.
In our library we focus more on SQL examples because the audience for that feature is larger. I believe more Data Scientists know SQL than Java. Having said that, the Streaming API was a good starting point for checking if it was even possible to run jobs with MLeap models.
In MleapMapFunction
we presented a way to use MLeap bundles. We loaded the model in the open method.
case class MleapMapFunction(bundleName: String, bundleLoader: BundleLoader) extends
RichMapFunction[Double, Double] {
private val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[MleapMapFunction])
@transient var transformer: Transformer = _
override def open(parameters: Configuration): Unit = {
transformer = bundleLoader.loadBundle(bundleName) match {
case Failure(exception) => {
LOG.error(s"Error while loading bundle: $bundleName", exception)
throw BundleLoadProblem(exception)
case Success(value) => value
override def map(value: Double): Double = {
val dataset = Seq(Row(DenseTensor(Array(value), List(1))))
val frame = DefaultLeapFrame(transformer.inputSchema, dataset)
val res = transformer.transform(frame).get.dataset.head(1).asInstanceOf[Double]
Then in the map method we make predictions. As you can see, it was a very straightforward solution.
To test it we implemented a simple Fink job FlinkDatastreamWithMleap
object FlinkDatastreamWithMleap {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
implicit val typeInfo = TypeInformation.of(classOf[StructType])
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val rand: Random = new Random()
val text = env.fromElements(rand.nextDouble(), rand.nextDouble(), rand.nextDouble())
val bundlePath = getClass.getResource("/mleap-example-1").toString, FileBundleLoader)).print()
There is no such system/lib that cannot be enriched or improved. The same thing goes for this library. The main things that we would like to improve on are:
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